Keeping this in mind, here are ten hidden things in Deus Ex that most players still don't know. However, there are still a ton of obscure facts surrounding Deus Ex that most people might not be aware of. So, it only goes without saying that passionate gamers have dissected each and every inch of this title to figure out all the secrets that lie within. However, the original still stands strong to this very day as one of the best games in the series, with players still fondly replaying this brilliant title to this very day. The legacy of Deus Ex is immensely strong, to the point where the game had received a sequel and two prequels as well.
Neutralizing an enemy without killing will award you a +20 XP bonus ('Merciful Soul'). He talked when it was unnecessary, and L was sure that eventually all this reasoning and twisting would lead him to slip up. but he spoke far too much and liked the sound of his own voice. RELATED: 5 Best Cyberpunk Games That Weren’t Made By CD Projekt Red (& 5 That Were Just Bad) According to the stealth tutorial video, a lethal takedown makes more noise than a non-lethal one. Deus Ex Machina 'The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong. Its gameplay choices and innovation are still echoed to this day, with the immersive sim genre, in particular, being heavily inspired by the strides this title took in the gaming community. The game was way ahead of its time when it was released, and some might argue that it still is. Deus Ex is considered by many to be one of the greatest games ever made, and it's easy to see why this is the case.